Three Fundamental Guidelines for Decreasing Structural Steel Fabrication Costs

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

The cumulative expenses of manufacturing using structural steel can be high due to the different complex elements, including the price of materials, the difficulty of creating ideal designs and the cost of handling during fabrication. Therefore, if you are planning on taking on this type of project, you should think about your options for managing the financial demands. Here are some basic tips to help you get started on cost-cutting.

Compare Steel Prices

Structural steel can be expensive because the material is designed to withstand exceptional stress. However, you should note that there are different types of steel, which can be used for structural applications, and the cost of each will vary. If you would like to manage your expenses, it is advisable to look into the cheaper options which might be suitable for your project. For instance, stainless steel is costly, so you can opt for a low-priced alternative like galvanised steel. Weathering steel is also a good choice because it does not require galvanisation.

Look for Standard Designs

You should think about the benefits of using standard designs where possible for your fabrication project. In simple terms, most structural steel manufacturing work consists of numerous parts, and it is not necessary for each of these constituents to be unique in appearance. You can decrease your expenses by opting for standard and nondescript elements where possible. If you are uncertain about the best approach incorporating such components into your custom features, consult your engineer or speciality fabricator. These specialists might even be able to provide stock designs that match your manufacturing needs.

Avoid Unnecessary Aspects

It is advisable to evaluate your plans for the structural steel fabrication project and ensure that each phase is indispensable. Often, the cost of manufacturing might be higher due to including unnecessary steps and elements into the process. For instance, when making an order for fabricated goods, there will be an option for indicating the dimensions and tolerance. If precision and accuracy are not vital, you can manage costs by allowing for general measurements. Also, you should note that structural fabrication sometimes demands adherence to industry standards and tests. It is important to follow the legal requirements, but you should not commission unnecessary inspections and tests. Additionally, consider eliminating finishing work for your items unless it is unavoidably essential.

Establishing a good timeline for the fabrication can also promote costs reduction. Therefore, you should ensure that you have a clear schedule to limit the need for expedited lead times which attract higher manufacturing fees. 

For further details on structural steel fabrication, reach out to a steel parts manufacturer near you.


25 June 2020

The Processes Behind Manufacturing Industrial Equipment

The world of industrial manufacturing has led to amazing improvements in the items we use every day. From computers and cars to housewares and furniture, we have industrial manufacturing to thank for the modern lifestyle improvements we enjoy on a regular basis. We created this website because we were fascinated by the processes used to create the items we use every day. If you're curious about industrial manufacturing processes, read through our articles, and check out our professional resources. You're sure to learn more about the manufacturing industry and how all kinds of goods are made in factories across Australia.