Metal Powder Coating: How to Prevent Premature Finish Failure

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

The deterioration and failure of powder coats can cause a lot of inconveniences. For instance, the damage of the protective finish will result in the rusting and corrosion of the underlying metal. Also, the appeal of the coated equipment or structure will decline significantly. Besides, you will need to plan for the repair of the compromised powder coating, and the work might be expensive. Therefore, it is advisable to ensure that your metal surfaces are finished properly during the initial process. Here are tips on minimising the risk of powder coating failure.

Assess the Material

The condition of the metal that you intend to finish could influence the durability of the powder coating. Therefore, you should assess the material before commissioning the delivery of the coat. In general, you should determine if there are damaged areas. Cracks, tears and dents should be repaired before coating to ensure uniformity and stability of the coating. You should also inspect for rust. Corrosion residue interferes with adhesion, so consider abrasive media blasting to eliminate rust spots.

Clean the Surfaces

Dirt, like rust spots, will prevent the proper adhesion of the powder coat to the metal surface. Therefore, if you would like to minimise the risk of finish damage, you should clean your equipment, parts or structural components before the powder coating work begins. It is important to eliminate general dust and debris. Moreover, plan on washing off any oil stains which might be on the metal due to machining or repair processes. Once the products are clean, ensure that they are dry. Opt for oven-drying because cloths can leave lint behind.

Avoid Adverse Conditions

The conditions in your powder coating workspace and the specific equipment used can influence the quality of the finish. For instance, moisture will contaminate the powder and compromise the adhesion process. High temperatures can also be harmful because heat will promote fast but unstable curing. Therefore, you must ensure that the environmental conditions in the workplace are controlled. Under ideal circumstances, all powder coating tasks should be conducted in a specialised workshop to minimise the effect of harmful climatic factors.

Think About Skills

Achieving good results when powder coating metal parts, equipment and structures is impossible without the right skills and experience. For instance, if the layer of finishing material is too thick or too thin, there will be premature deterioration. Moreover, the appearance of the completed item will be poor. Therefore, it is advisable to opt for professional metal powder coating services for your components and products for durable finishes. 

Contact a metal powder coating company to learn more.


8 October 2020

The Processes Behind Manufacturing Industrial Equipment

The world of industrial manufacturing has led to amazing improvements in the items we use every day. From computers and cars to housewares and furniture, we have industrial manufacturing to thank for the modern lifestyle improvements we enjoy on a regular basis. We created this website because we were fascinated by the processes used to create the items we use every day. If you're curious about industrial manufacturing processes, read through our articles, and check out our professional resources. You're sure to learn more about the manufacturing industry and how all kinds of goods are made in factories across Australia.