Why Structural Steelwork Is Ubiquitous in Today's Industrial World

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

From the construction of buildings, major roads, bridges, and dams to shipbuilding, automotive manufacturing, and aircraft construction, steelwork has become so popular in today's industrial sector with good reason. Steel has many fantastic qualities that lend themselves well to being used in industrial applications.

If you're planning an industrial project that requires using articles of steel, keep reading to acquaint yourself with the steel advantages that await you.

Steel offers high strength

When it comes to industrial projects that require the use of high-strength material, steel is an obvious choice. Steel is revered for its high yield strength, which makes it possible to build or make structures that can endure heavy structural loads without getting deformed or distorted. 

Steel is a highly durable material

The hardness of steel combined with its natural resistance to most elements makes it a durable choice for industrial applications. Steel does not crack like concrete or decay, warp, or splinter like wood.

The biggest threat to the durability of steel structures is rust. Due to its iron content, steel easily rusts when exposed to damp or corrosive environments. The good news is that steel finishing techniques have advanced over the years to ensure maximum protection of steel products against rust damage.

As a result, today's structural steel products are more durable than ever.

Steel comes in many shapes and forms

Owing to the high ductility and malleability of steel, structural steel components can be turned into almost any desired shape and form. Whether you're building a skyscraper, bridge, or aircraft, you can't miss steel products that will match your specific project requirements.

Steel is an economical structural material

While the upfront cost of building with steel is typically higher than non-steel alternatives like timber and concrete, the potential long-term cost savings associated with the use of steel are by far greater.

Steel structures generally require less maintenance and fewer repairs than timber and concrete structures. As a result, the lifecycle costs of steel are much lower.

Steel is a good choice for the environment

Structural steel has high durability, requires low maintenance, and can be fully recycled when it reaches the end of its lifespan. These qualities help to minimise the negative impact that non-steel structural materials can have on the environment. For example, structural steel alternatives, such as timber, require cutting down of trees, which reduces the global forest cover.

Not all structural steel is created equal. To determine the right steel products for your particular industrial project, feel free to consult the experts at a steel fabrication shop near you.


24 September 2021

The Processes Behind Manufacturing Industrial Equipment

The world of industrial manufacturing has led to amazing improvements in the items we use every day. From computers and cars to housewares and furniture, we have industrial manufacturing to thank for the modern lifestyle improvements we enjoy on a regular basis. We created this website because we were fascinated by the processes used to create the items we use every day. If you're curious about industrial manufacturing processes, read through our articles, and check out our professional resources. You're sure to learn more about the manufacturing industry and how all kinds of goods are made in factories across Australia.